1 預言者のともがらの、ひとりの妻がエリシャに呼ばわって言った、「あなたのしもべであるわたしの夫が死にました。ごぞんじのように、あなたのしもべは主を恐れる者でありましたが、今、債主がきて、わたしのふたりの子供を取って奴隷にしようとしているのです」。
2 エリシャは彼女に言った、「あなたのために何をしましょうか。あなたの家にどんな物があるか、言いなさい」。彼女は言った、「一びんの油のほかは、はしための家に何もありません」。
3 彼は言った、「ほかへ行って、隣の人々から器を借りなさい。あいた器を借りなさい。少しばかりではいけません。
4 そして内にはいって、あなたの子供たちと一緒に戸の内に閉じこもり、そのすべての器に油をついで、いっぱいになったとき、一つずつそれを取りのけておきなさい」。
5 彼女は彼を離れて去り、子供たちと一緒に戸の内に閉じこもり、子供たちの持って来る器に油をついだ。
6 油が満ちたとき、彼女は子供に「もっと器を持ってきなさい」と言ったが、子供が「器はもうありません」と言ったので、油はとまった。
7 そこで彼女は神の人のところにきて告げたので、彼は言った、「行って、その油を売って負債を払いなさい。あなたと、あなたの子供たちはその残りで暮すことができます」。
In verse one we are simply told “a certain woman of the wives of the sons of the prophets cried out to Elisha” for help. Then, in her statement to the prophet, “Your servant my husband is dead, and you know that your servant feared the Lord,” we learn a few more details about this widow, exactly who this woman was is simply not disclosed. There are a number of principles to glean from these verses:
Though she is not identified in the text and was not on the “who’s who” list of Israel’s prominent people (as most of us are not), the principle is she was not unknown to God. Each one of us are personally known and loved of God; we are the personal objects of His love.
Elisha was a man who had a heart for serving others whether wealthy or poor. He did not minister to people based on how they might promote him or provide for him. He was only concerned that people might know and experience God’s grace and power in their lives. How available am I to do the same?
Like the poor widow, we all have certain needs--spiritual, emotional, and physical, but God knows those needs completely and He cares about them personally. Our most fundamental need is to come to him in faith, but with empty vessels that He might multiply our lives according to His purposes. While trusting Him to meet our need and never our greed, let us come not with just a few vessels. In other words, let’s not limit our loving and gracious God by our lack of faith and obedience to Him. He is the One who is able to do superabundantly above all we ask or think, but He has promised to do as the Psalmist said, in due season, in His own timing according to His perfect understanding.
Local bodies of believers have many needs--both spiritual and physical, both large and small. We live in a world which is basically antagonistic to the work of God, but the problem we face is not in God’s supply of the oil or in people’s ability to meet needs. The real problem lies in our faith, in our obedience and submission corporately and individually.
Please note the emphasis here: As earthen vessels, we must empty ourselves of wrong mental attitudes, priorities, pursuits, or goals, and present ourselves as vessels of God to be filled (controlled) by the word and the Spirit of God. If our lives are cluttered with bad mental attitudes, with grumbling, with selfishness, preoccupation with the things of the world and there is indifference to God’s work, God may stop the supply of oil. And one reason the supply is stopped is that believers stop coming to Him. Carnal believers do not seek the cause of God and the supply of God, they are too caught up with their own world.
I believe this must begin with an evaluation of our own stewardship of giving, believing God that our giving will not be our lack. This means evaluating our own use of the funds God has allowed us to have. We need to begin with the oil we have individually and corporately.
But this also means in addition to our own financial responsibilities with the oil we have, looking to God to supply from other sources according to the wealth of His might, if that is what is needed. We must not turn this around and ignore the responsibility we have with our resources. It is our responsibility to ask God to multiply those resources for the purpose of greater giving and not simply pray for a miracle. In other words, we can’t simply pray for God to supply the oil, and ignore our responsibility to use the oil we have. We must first take the oil we have, trust God to multiply it, and then as the Lord supplies, not only pay our debts, and expenses, but give unto the Lord a return on His investment in us.
Remember, the oil was a very valuable commodity and stands for the valuable resources God has given us whether talents, spiritual gifts, physical abilities, or financial blessings, etc. Let us not limit the Lord. Let’s believe God. Let’s bring empty vessels, and not a few.
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